Some Things I learned About Teenagers this Weekend

My wife and I are just coming off spending MLK weekend with 100 teenagers at an outdoor camp in rural Richland County Ohio.  The area is surrounded by state park forests and private farm land.  The youth pastor of our church asked us to help out with the youth group’s annual  winter event known as “Snow Retreat”. Jane and I have always loved working with teenagers. I guess it makes us feel young. As the weekend wore on I started to notice a few realities about the teens there  that run may contrary to what we often think about today’s youth.

  1. Despite video games, virtual reality  and social media, kids still love to play real, authentic, live games  and have crazy fun doing so. All weekend long there were rousing games going on. Some were new generation games like hantis , gaga ball, and 9 square in the air;  some were old generation games like basketball and dodgeball; some were table sports like pool, air-hockey, and ping-pong; some were  table games like, euchre or Uno. The kids didn’t seem to miss their cell phones or complain they couldn’t get a signal. They were having to too much fun to realize it.
  2. Kids love being outside. I led a  hike up to a local summit. Not only did several kids sign up to go on the hike but they loved it. They seemed to be invigorated by the long, cold hike and were taking pictures at the top so they could  show their friends their accomplishment. Some of the younger kids had a blast rolling down the very tall peak we were on. They were also totally intrigued by the natural spring that provided a marvelous flow of clean water at the near the bottom of the peak.
  3. When given a safe space to do so, kids will share their story. There were three times we met in small groups with the teenagers  this weekend. The theme for the weekend was “Being Good Soil”. The speaker challenged to youth to consider what barriers they have that prevent them from being all that God has created them to be. In the small groups the youth supported each other as they talked about their lives and the struggles they have. It was such a privilege to simply be a listening ear to support them as they shared.
  4. Kids want to find a deeper meaning to their life.  Dan Perkins (2007)* identifies four questions that teenagers are wrestling through. Teens are asking  Who am I?   Am I normal? Am I competent? Am I lovable and loving? The many conversations I had the students this weekend reflected this quest. Teenagers want to live lives that matter and that make a difference in the world.
  5. Teens are not afraid of hard work. Throughout the weekend the teens at camp cleaned tables and moved equipment. On the last day they cleaned bathrooms, cleaned cabins, loaded trailers with heavy equipment, swept floors, and took out garbage. They worked together, and  had a good time doing it.
  6. Don’t judge a book by its cover.  There are always kids who stay in the margins. Who have trouble fitting in and then take on the “outsider” role. I had the chance to speak with a young man who fits this category. I asked questions. Listened to his story. Found out a lot about him. I found out this young “outsider” is really a sensitive, kind young man who has tremendous strengths. Several of us adults came up with some ways to us his strengths help him feel part of the group.
  7. God is at work. What often seems like problems are  really  God rearranging  the plan we came up with to replace it with his perfect plan. An example is that the main speaker for the weekend got sick and could not come. Our youth pastor stepped right in. He delivered the message that God had for the teens there this weekend.
  8. God is in pursuit.  Over and over this weekend I heard “God is really trying to tell me….” or “God is saying ….to me.” Though it may seem irrational to some, I witnessed a loving, comforting, affirming God reach out and speak to the young people he has so fearfully and wonderfully made.


  • Perkins, D. F.  (1997, 2007). Adolescence: The Four Questions. University of Florida, IFAS Extension. FCS 2117.   (


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