Monthly Archives: May 2016

The joy (and humor) humor of having daughters.

Pixel project 4

I have loved being the dad to three wonderful daughters.

For all my father friends out there, I began to think about all of the questions my 18 year old daughter asks me that I have no answer for. Here is a sample from the week leading up to prom:

Krista: “Is this dress too short?”

Me: “I thought it was a shirt.” (I’m guessing that means it’s too short)

Krista: “Do you think all I need to buy is eyeliner?”

Me: Blank stare.

Krista: “Should I wear heals or wedges?”

Me: “There’s a difference?”

Krista: “Should I wear a kimono over this shirt?”

Me: “Isn’t that Japanese?”

Krista: “Does Wal-Mart sell seamless underwear?”

Me: “I didn’t know they made that.”

 Hang in there dads. Smile and enjoy your girls. They grow up way too fast. Be the kind of dad that they feel they can these kinds of questions to.