Monthly Archives: July 2016



Yesterday I had the incredible blessing of getting together with four of my closest childhood friends. It was a  hastily put together reunion because one of the group lives outside of the U.S. and was in visiting. We all drove in to one of our group’s new house out in the countryside. We were only together for a few short hours but what a special time. I came away feeling so uplifted. We shared great stories. We consoled each other. We made fun of each other. We encouraged each other.

I realized I had a bond with these tremendous people that maybe others do not always experience. As my wife and I were driving home I talked about  the overwhelming sense of being blessed that I experienced. I began to reflect on  the role friendship has in our lives. Friendship is a one of the most important healing forces God has given us.

Why would I say that? Here are five reasons.

We laughed together: Whether we were remembering the antics of our junior high basketball coach, flunking chemistry, or the times shared in high school marching band, we laughed the kind of laughs that make you cry and that wash out your insides.

We were genuine with each other: My friends have seen me at my best and my worst. They’ve seen  my ups and downs, success and failures. I do not have to pretend.

We validated each other: No matter who was talking, we took the time to listen and accept what was said. It is not because we all agree about everything but we give each other the right to have an opinion. We accept each other’s lived experience.

We sought to restore each other: We believe the best about each other and we spoke words of encouragement to each other.

We shared God’s blessings with one another: As we were leaving, I commented for the umpteenth time how much I loved my friend’s  new place, especially the spacious backyard. He made sure I knew I was welcome back any time.

So there it is. Five things about my life long set of friends that added some healing to my life this weekend. They are a gift. I pray that God gives you the same blessing…a few good friends.







Treat the organization you lead as sacred.

I have come to the conclusion that in order to lead an organization so that it thrives at accomplishing its mission, a leader must treat it as sacred. I use the word sacred because leaders are the protectors of their organization. They protect the mission. They protect the culture. If it is done with vigilance and perseverance organizations are able to continually adapt to challenges and improve.  If leaders are not vigilant at proactively dealing with internal threats and actively adapting to external threats then an organization slowly collapses.

 Practically this means several things. These things I have leaned the hard way.

1)  Deal with problems whenever they arise.  

 2) Hire managers and supervisors with the greatest scrutiny. The wake left behind by an        emotionally unhealthy leader can be devastating.

3) Celebrate every victory.  Celebration affirms the work your team is accomplishing.

4)Screen out any worker who is unethical, subversive, or not mission driven. 

5) Reward good hard work. Find as many ways as possible to say thanks to those who are making the mission happen.

This list is easier said than done. Often times there are pressures  that compete to be the priority and that make straying from this list more convenient. Stay true. I have learned I am always glad when I do.




I am reflecting on the blessing of living in a town where in a seven day span several hundred people gather to hear the local symphony and choir celebrate our nation’s birthday, dozens of local businesses and hundreds of residents partner with the Rotary Club to put on an amazing fireworks display, a team made up completely of volunteers put on a three day hot air balloon festival, the high school cross country teams have a 5K to raise money and scores of runners from the area participate, 100 Harley riders join forces to raise a couple thousand dollars for the local domestic violence shelter, and area vintage car enthusiasts fill the downtown in an event to demonstrate our town is someplace special. All of this happening with law enforcement and civilians working side by side.

These things are happening at the same time our country is grieving multiple tragedies. I lift up prayers for my fellow Americans and their communities that are experiencing turmoil and strife. May God’s healing, peace, humility, and power of forgiveness prevail.