Monthly Archives: September 2014

God-Given Foes and Faith

I love this short devotional from John Piper. Whether you are involved in for-profit, nonprofit, or faith-based leadership, you likely have someone you work with who challenges you.   Piper reminds us  that  our “opponents”  may be part of a much bigger process.
God-Given Foes and Faith

The Best Leaders Are Insatiable Learners

This article discusses two things I have found very true in my walk as a leader. The first is its reference to John Gardner. Gardner’s book, On Leadership, does the best job explaining the tasks that encompass leading an organization. The second is that my experience of feeling like I am perpetually learning how to lead is not a bad thing.

The Best Leaders Are Insatiable Learners –

This week with a smile.


Three experiences and realizations this week:

1) I have been amazed at how my Heavenly Father provides. He does things conventional wisdom says wouldn’t happen. He does what he wants, when he wants, and no one can stop him.  Rest and wait.

2) Sometimes buying a dozen doughnuts to share with coworkers is called for.

3) I hoard coffee because I am afraid to run out.