Monthly Archives: January 2016

What to Do When You Get Discouraged


It doesn’t matter what kind of a leadership role you are in whether it be parent, pastor, agency director  or something else, discouragement can overtake you. Sometimes it overwhelms you.  Usually when I am feeling down about my role at work or home it leads to a place of isolation, fatigue, and over-focusing on what’s wrong.  I replay, “what I should have done.” For me the way out of the land of discouragement usually involves a little break, time with people who care about me, meditating on age old truths (I find in the Bible), and physical exercise.  In this linked article Rick Warren does a nice job of describing how leaders get discouraged and some thought provoking ideas on bouncing back.

The power of relationship.

Photo by Wandering Angel
Photo by Wandering Angel

This article by David Covington does an excellent job pointing out the importance of relationship and personal connection to our well-being.   For each of us to know that we matter, that our work and life have meaning,  and that we are part  of a community makes all the difference. For children to know this encourages resilient lives, for spouses to know this encourages strong and stable marriages, and for employees to know this encourages great organizations.