Some thoughts about God, creation, and people as image bearers.


The other morning I saw the most beautiful  red sun I had seen in a while. It was perfectly round and swollen like it was ready to burst its powerful energy all across the sky . It made me think, “Now here is a clue that there is a creator.  No one could make that. Something so perfect could not be random.”

My thoughts then wandered  to what it means in Scripture when it says we are created in the image of God? Does humankind really reflect the image of the God who spoke that beautiful sun into existence? Does being created in the image of God  mean we have the ability to create?

Though the Creator informs us we are made “in his image”, we are not able to to create like he does; however, we are able to co-create with him. We do this in many ways. The way most reflecting us as image bearers is through the act of making another human. Each gender reflecting aspects of the creator join together, “becoming one flesh” to produce another human. In no other way do we reflect God’s image than in the act of co-creating life. There are also other ways we, as image bearers,  create new things. Though we cannot make the sun, we can create an image of one  by painting a picture of a sunrise. We do not control the events that occur in people’s lives but we can use our imagination and create a story or a play that tells about the life events of others. We cannot make the birds or produce their beautiful songs but we can write music. Because of God’s creative power we can write poetry, build a house, or design a city. In all of these ways  we share the capacity to make beautiful things just like the one of whose image we bear

So reader… write a poem, paint a picture, make up a story, design a machine, finish that book. By doing so you are joining the creator in adding to his marvelous universe.




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