Category Archives: Topics in Leadership

Be thankful for your incognito teachers.


The Creator uses some of the most difficult people in our lives as teachers. I wouldn’t  have the knowledge and understanding I do about organizational leadership if it were not for those individuals over the years who at points in my journey had me at a breaking point. This realization came into focus this past week.  I was in a conversation with a colleague. It was a congenial, collaborative conversation about the work we do and the work we want to do to make a difference in the lives of others. I realized during the conversation that we were very aligned. What made the awareness peculiar is that  we have not always been aligned. In fact at a few points in our relationship we have been at tremendous odds.

As I thought about those difficult times in our work together I came to a realization that this individual has been one of my greatest teachers.  It was instruction that could be characterized as ,”learning the hard way.”  As I reflected on  our difficult times and how much I had learned a message floated across my mind. The Creator had used him to help me grow up as a leader. I began to think about others who have served as teachers I didn’t ask for or recognize but who have helped me develop as a leader.

A handful of people came to mind. I thought of the lessons I had learned from them. I’ve learned that hiring someone who fits our agency’s mission and values is more important than hiring someone for the skills  they possess. I learned that having the right person in the wrong position creates frustration for everyone. I learned that taking care of problems when they are small is really important because problems generally do not go away, they just get bigger and do  more damage. I’ve learned the importance of listening to warning signals. I’ve learned its okay to do a 180 degree turn when you need to. I’ve learned to ask for help when I need it. I’ve learned that collaboration builds a stronger organization. I could go on and on.

As I make the list I am thinking of names of people I have worked with in various capacities. Whether our relationship was marked by conflict or agreement I realize that they were in my life to teach me. I think the reason The Creator put them there incognito is because I wouldn’t have chosen them as teachers. I think I would have gravitated to  people who would have been safe rather than pushed me into places I didn’t want to go. Sometimes being in those places had me crying out for relief or  for a different job. Relief did not always come very quickly and I am still in the same job (thank you God). I feel a little wiser. Part of that wisdom is knowing that more lessons will come. After all, like all of us, I am in a dynamic developmental process and I need teachers.





In Leadership, There Are Good Days and There Are Bad Days.


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

The realty of leading an organization is that there will always be good times and there will always be bad times. The love for the work, the love for the mission , and a sense of the stress being temporary sustains a leader during the rough times.

This week I was having a conversation with a  friend of mine who also leads a nonprofit organization.  He was at his wits end and  in the midst of some really difficult issues with his staff. He described feeling stabbed-in-the-back,  ineffective, and be unable to lead his team. Several times in the conversation he talked about it being time for him to leave his job and move on.

I wanted to support my friend but I also wanted to be genuine with him. So I listened.  I told him about some of my dark times and times I wanted to quit. I also reminded him that the dark times pass. I shared my thoughts on how to manage this rough patch. I reminded him that organizations are dynamic and leadership is an ever evolving event. An organization is new everyday. Every day a leader can make decisions and take actions that reshapes things and solves problems to move the organization  toward accomplishing its mission.  And yet, there will still be challenging times.

After we had discussed the ups and downs of leading an agency, I reminded  my friend  he had all the skill he needed to get through this difficult period and continue to move the organization forward. I also told him that only he could decide if his love for the work and the mission  was enough to put up with the  nerve-wracking  times.

At the end of our talk I could tell by his voice that a sense of hope was rising. I’m glad.

Sometimes leading…


Sometimes leading feels like I am walking in a stream, with the current and having a clear path. Everything flows nicely and gently.

Sometimes leading feels like I am walking in a stream against the current. It’s hard. My steps are slow and I get tired, but I must keep stepping forward.

Sometimes leading feels like I am walking in a stream against the current during a storm. I am getting really wet and weighed down by the rain. I slog against the current with a sense that I might go under.

Sometimes leading feels like I am walking in a steam in the dark with a lot of big rocks in the way. It’s hard to find the right path. I bump into few rocks when I’m trying to decide which way to go. I back up and try a different direction. Always guided by,
what is true,
what is right,
what is fair,
what is ethical.

Sometimes leading feels like walking in a stream, with the current on a bright warm day. And it all–
the good,
the bad,
the easy,
and the hard,
make sense.


I have decided after several conversations today that most people want to have things their way.

I have decided after several conversations today that most people want to have things their way. The problem with this approach to life is that it  stalls momentum, kills creativity,  or moves things forward tainted by resentment.

What is the alternative? I have to turn to ancient wisdom:

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves. -Paul of Tarsus

Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less. -C. S. Lewis





Stay off this dark road.

It happened this past week. I went down the dark road…I started to compare myself to someone else. The self-talk was something like, “Look how much more focused and further along in their career they are. Look how much more they have. Look how much better they have done. I should have done this. I should have done that.” The internal dialogue culminated in me feeling small and inadequate. I knew this exercise in self deprecation was wrong. I didn’t want to do it. It just sort of started to happen and somewhere deep inside it got rolling.

I went to The Creator and asked for help. First for forgiveness for the offense, then for restoration. The familiar voice, the one that runs deeper than the negativity, spoke back. It reminded me that I, like all of us, have a unique set of tools, handed down by my maker. I have a unique life to live. I have a mission…a job that is bigger than  me. This mission is for me to pour my heart, my mind, and soul into.  One  of my favorite quotes came to mind as I was getting back on track. It reminded me to focus on what I have rather than on perceptions of what I don’t have:  If you have a talent, use it in every which way possible. Don’t hoard it. Don’t dole it out like a miser. Spend it lavishly like a millionaire intent on going broke (Brendan Francis). 

Whether you lead a business, a church, a nonprofit, or anything else, you must fight the the temptation to compare yourself to others.  It only  leads to dark places like frustration, anger, resentment or jealousy.   Focus on the talents, tools, and work the Creator has given you. You and everyone else will be better off for it.

Leading when you you feel lousy.


How do you handle a demanding day when your attention, your focus, your understanding, and your leadership are needed by your team and you are not feeling well? On Thursday I had that day.  I was tired and emotionally depleted having spent most of the previous day on the road traveling to and from a family funeral. I was leaving that Thursday afternoon​ for a long trip to my daughter’s graduation. That same day also happened to be the third in a row of labor intensive construction of a new electronic medical record at our agency. In addition, I had four different department meetings scheduled  to work through issues that required my best concentration and problem solving.  I was stressed and had a headache that felt like a vice grip from my shoulders up.

Days like this require an extra effort at self-control and self-awareness. I made this list of things I try to do on days I feel lousy while at the same time my focus and leadership are necessary.

  1. Decision making is one of the primary tasks of a leader. On a day you are feeling lousy give yourself more time to think through decisions. Tell your team you are considering options and need some time to think about it.
  2. When you feel lousy it may seem like everything is closing in on you. Find five minutes to go to your office, close the door, and do deep breathing exercises.
  3. When you are tired and stressed even little things can seem huge. Set up a mental rule to not respond to people who are making you feel irritated. Take deep breaths. Jot down a note about the thing that is irritating you and deal with it when you feel better.
  4. When you are stressed you may feel pressured to do something that in reality can wait. Go to a trusted coworker, tell them how you feel.  Ask them point blank if your thinking on a subject is clear and if a decision can wait.
  5. Drink a lot of water.
  6. Focus on simple tasks that take less mental energy.
  7. Go outside and walk around the building.
  8. When you are stressed it is easy to perseverate on the negative and make mountains out of mole hills. Have a positive, affirming verse, poem, or phrase to repeat in your mind when you became negative or feel overwhelmed.
  9. Think about what is going well so your view of problems gain some perspective.
  10. In order to use what energy you have where it is most important, reschedule any meetings that you can.
  11. Take care of yourself today so you can be at your best later.

Lessons from saying “thank you” to two long time employees.

This week at work we spent time focusing on our staff. On Monday we had a staff recognition luncheon. We recognized staff for working at our agency for five, ten, fifteen, twenty and twenty-five years.  The big emphasis of the week; however, was on honoring the two staff members who have worked with the organization since it opened twenty-six years ago. Not only have they worked for the same organization since it opened but they have essentially been in the same jobs doing excellent work. They were each given their own special day.  They received awards, gift cards, flowers, and balloons to let them know how much their career long work is appreciated. We all wore buttons proclaiming the special day for each of the two and they got parking spots designated only for them. What made the week so uplifting was to see how much everyone enjoyed recognizing their co-workers. The two honored were all smiles and were genuinely appreciative. Here are some of the takeaways I had from being part of this:

  • It was fun to see the creativity, energy, and passion of the planning team.  They were committed to  making sure that our staff felt appreciated and honored for the commitment they make to be part of our agency. Being part of planning the celebration  meant a lot to the team.
  • The smiles and air of joy the two long term employees had on “their” day was awesome. It was planned as a surprise so when they saw the parking spots, the buttons, and the gifts  it was clear they were overwhelmed. Their smiles made everyone smile.
  • Staff recognized for their various lengths of stay felt acknowledged for reaching a milestone. It is important  to celebrate milestones.
  • The joy caused by showing someone how appreciated they are has a ripple effect.
  • It reinforced to me the fact that it takes a lot more than salary and benefits to make a good work climate. Most of us want to know our work has meaning and that we are making a difference. When the organization can give its members that feedback it improves the climate.
  • Celebrating achievements, both small and large, is essential for the morale of an organization.
  • Getting staff involved in planning shows them respect and turns out a better product. Diverse feedback and problem solving reduces the risk of negative unintended consequences or forgetting something important.
  • I often think about how blessed I am to have the great management team and staff around me that I do. I need to make sure that I tell people that when I think it.

Love Each Other or Perish

My wife made this for my office. I wanted this message to be the first thing people see when they walk in. Its from Mitch Albom’s book Tuesday’s with Morrie. The author is paraphrasing Morrie’s favorite poet W.H. Auden in his poem September 1, 1939. 

Negative emotions, whether they be jealousy, resentment, envy, greed, or  unhealthy pride tear agencies and businesses apart. So often as an agency director, whether it be at my organization or another,  I have seen destructive  emotions lead to divisions between individuals and teams . These dark feelings, when harbored,  stifle the ability of an organization to accomplish its mission. Conflicts and disagreements are necessary and healthy. They are often the fuel for the energy that leads to healthy change. But in the end, it is things like truth, forgiveness, humility, and kindness that create the organizational climate and culture for staying power and growth in an organization.


Being a Thankful Leader


I spend a lot of  time at work thinking about  problems. Problems from funding changes, to regulatory changes, to juggling the budget, to trying to hire good staff in the midst of a statewide workforce shortage, to making sure our agency is on the forefront of meeting the housing, trauma recovery, and mental health needs of our community. There are many times it feels overwhelming. Today though, on Thanksgiving, I want to take the time to share the specific blessings I experienced this year.

  • After more than a year of looking for a full time  psychiatrist God provided a great one. He is a wonderful team player and his patients love him.
  • One of our key administrators moved and we were able to find a highly qualified replacement who is a great problem solver.
  • This week two experienced social workers walked in and applied for jobs we had openings for.
  • This week a great employee who had taken another job came back.
  • We had an opening for a cleaning position and were able to fill it with a real go-getter who had just lost hours at another job.
  • After looking for a support staff for several weeks we just hired a really dynamic candidate.
  • Our clinical director has created a tight-knit  team of counselors and case managers that work together and get great results.
  • Our HR manager  has developed a fantastic orientation for new employees and is putting together a great recruitment and retention plan.
  • Our domestic violence shelter has started several new support groups.
  • A state and local grant allowed us to expand services to our county jail.
  • After a major local tragedy our agency was able to provide critical incident stress support to several local groups.
  • We have opportunities to expand our equine therapy program.
  • This year we partnered with our local schools to start a kindergarten readiness program.
  • We’ve identified several other partnerships we can develop to have an even greater impact in our community.
  • Our financial statements look solid.
  • Our shelter director had gotten new grants and strengthened funding for all its programs.
  • We have purchased new billing software which will strengthen our accounts receivable.
  • We’ve been nominated for social service agency of  the year through our local chamber of commerce.

So many blessings. So many answers to prayer.

Personally I’m blessed with an amazing wife and soulmate. I have three amazing daughters. I’m blessed with friends, a great church and opportunities  to use the gifts God has given me.

May all if you have a peaceful Thanksgiving. Let’s also try to count our blessings a lot more often.