All posts by Jerry Strausbaugh

About Jerry Strausbaugh

I am a husband, dad, and director of a community agency for mental health, housing, and domestic violence shelter. I love to help people be all God created them to be.

Whether you are the manager of someone at work, have a friend , or are the parent of a child with ADHD, this article shares some good reminders.

As a manager, administrator, and parent I like things to be organized. I like point A to lead to point B. Knowing and working with people who have ADHD helps me grow out of my linear mindset. Sometimes the path zigzags and loops around a couple times… and that is a blessing.

20 Things to Remember If You Love Someone With ADD

The Best Leaders Are Insatiable Learners

This article discusses two things I have found very true in my walk as a leader. The first is its reference to John Gardner. Gardner’s book, On Leadership, does the best job explaining the tasks that encompass leading an organization. The second is that my experience of feeling like I am perpetually learning how to lead is not a bad thing.

The Best Leaders Are Insatiable Learners –

This week with a smile.


Three experiences and realizations this week:

1) I have been amazed at how my Heavenly Father provides. He does things conventional wisdom says wouldn’t happen. He does what he wants, when he wants, and no one can stop him.  Rest and wait.

2) Sometimes buying a dozen doughnuts to share with coworkers is called for.

3) I hoard coffee because I am afraid to run out.

A little reminder for an anxious morning.

Photo by The Wandering Angel
Photo by The Wandering Angel

This morning at breakfast my teenage daughter had an anxious look on her face. She has several big things on her plate this weekend. I could tell she was worrying.  I reminded her of two things. The first came from her youth pastor, Greg Summers, last night. He reminded a group of kids who were dealing with a tragedy that “Whenever you start to get overwhelmed keep your thoughts focused on the Great I Am. Look at our great and mighty God, not the circumstances.” Second I reminded her of my favorite quote from Dan Allan, our senior pastor, “If you have a small god you’ve got BIG PROBLEMS; but, if you’ve got a BIG GOD, you’ve got small problems.”

We all need to be reminded of these things from time to time.

Looking for the “headwaters” when problem solving.

Photo by MDuchek
Photo by MDuchek

One of the realities of leading is that there are always  many voices trying to make a point and sway the decision about how to solve a  problem.  I find that I need to have good tools to help me sort out the truth. Lately I have really been forcing myself to peel back the layers so I can see the problem at its source or “headwaters” and develop the solution beginning from there rather than adopting a fix that is targeted merely at the symptoms.

Powerful life lessons about how to change the world from the commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command

Photo by Frank Wouters
Photo by Frank Wouters

Remarkable and inspiring advice on how to change the world. From the difference always making your bed  can have on your day to singing when you’re up to your neck in mud, Admiral McRaven gives examples of how  a person’s approach to life’s daily challenges  can change the world.

Remarks by Naval Adm. William H. McRaven, BJ ’77, ninth commander of U.S.Special Operations Command, Texas Exes Life Member, and Distinguished Alumnus. University-Wide Commencement The University of Texas at Austin, May 17, 2014.