Reflections on Our 35th Wedding Anniversary

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This weekend past Jane and I completed 35 years of marriage. 35 years of marriage is more than half my life. I’ve been married longer than I’ve been not married.
I am married to my best friend.
Over the course of 35 years Jane has become a part of who I am. She is my right and left hand. The rhythms and seasons of doing life together for 35 years has drawn us together as one.
What began as a vow has become reality. How did this happen? God’s grace.
We celebrated our 35 anniversary with a long-weekend “staycation”.
We spent time at the Ashland Balloon Fest, did a mini local winery tour, explored a couple small towns we’d not been to, hiked a rails-trails, picked blueberries, kidnapped our 18 month old twin granddaughters for a tour of Kingwood Center, saw a movie at the Ashland Theater, and concluded the weekend at one of our favorite local restaurants.
We did the “staycation” to save money…and wound up having a very memorable 35th anniversary.
I remember when Jane and I were engaged we talked about how we could make almost anything into a fun time. When you marry your best friend that happens.
I’ve read that what helps couples grow together is not the big things like expensive trips or expensive jewelry, but everyday acts of kindness, compliments, and expressions of appreciation. Things like showing daily gratitude for your partner, acts of service, simple physical touch like holding hands or hugs, conversation, and expressing support and encouragement. I can’t say I’m the best with all of this but both of us certainly try. And it works.
I am so grateful to be blessed with a life-long covenant partner to walk this past 35 year journey with and pray for many more anniversaries.

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