Monthly Archives: June 2024

Words from a Father (a Father’s Day Reflection)

At 60 years old, I am blessed to be the husband of an amazing wife (Jane). We’ve been married for 35 years.  I have 3 incredible daughters, two wonderful sons-in-laws, and 17 month old twin granddaughters. My life is rich and I am thankful. 

I have served in the mental health field as a counselor since 1992. The majority of this work has been in community mental health. 

On Father’s Day, this ancient sacred text was part of my morning reading:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart…”*

If you are anxious, angry, self conscious,  worried, or afraid, these words are for you:

You were planned before the earth came into existence.

God Almighty, the consuming fire conceived of you in his all powerful, all knowing, all present being.

He placed you in his story.

He set you apart.

He claimed you as his.

You are not the product of your trauma.

You are not your feelings.

You are not the derogatory names you were called.

You are not the self-incriminating thoughts in your head.

Push the relentless messages of this world aside.

God claims you.

He says, “Mine!”

You are made for more than this world’s words can describe.

You are created in the image of God your Father.

The day he began to plan you, he poured himself into you.

He made you to be creative, kind, and generous.

He made you to laugh, to cry, to grieve, and be joyful.

He made you to sing, to explore, and to learn.

He made you to persevere and not give up.

He made you to be a good friend, a good listener, a defender of the weak, capable of tough love, a giver of mercy and courageous.

Live like you are God’s son or daughter.

Let go of selfishness, anger, vengeance, worry and fear.

Give them to the one who made you. The one who is ready to listen, with the power to do something about your troubles. 

Jeremiah 1:5a.