Monthly Archives: September 2018

My Experience with Co-workers in their 70s.

I have had the privilege of having a few co-workers who are in their 70s. That generation are members of the demographic known as traditionalists and are some of the best team members I have ever had. They bring a steadiness and stability to the work environment. They are characterized by,

  • showing up for work early,
  • staying until their shift is over,
  • rarely using sick time (they don’t see having a head ache as a reason to stay home),
  • following the chain of command,
  • bringing no drama to the work environment,
  • and taking pride in working hard.

Most people in their 70s have retired. But the few I’ve worked with stay in the workforce because they want to. They have a skill set, years of experience, and a desire to do something they consider meaningful with their time. I have been enriched by them. Not only have they taught me about work, but even more so, about how to approach living. They have shaped my view of having a “mission” in life.

As I move through my 50s, my perspective of how to approach the next several years God gives me is being informed by my septuagenarian co-workers. I pray I can have as positive and meaningful impact on the people around me as they do. Life is a marathon not a sprint. By God’s grace I want to ready myself, like my 70 year old co-workers, for an impactful long run.