Monthly Archives: February 2015

8 reasons why my wife and I go to church.

Notre Dame December 2014

A few weeks ago my wife and I were having lunch with friends. During part of the conversation we began to discuss church. Our friends said they were no longer attending their church. One of the main reasons they gave was that the pastor’s sermons all sounded the same. During our ride home my wife and I were processing the conversation. The comment about our friends leaving their church because the pastor’s sermons sounded the same had really bothered us so we started to make a list of all of the reasons we attend the local church we do. Interestingly, none of the reasons we came up with had anything to do with the pastor’s sermons. Here is the list:

1. Its fun. We get to hang out with friends, go camping with teenagers, play  games with children,  have interesting conversations, drink good coffee, eat doughnuts, go on scavenger hunts, hike state parks, and in general have a great time.

2. We are working with a group of like-minded people on a mission to help heal the world. We help the homeless, encourage discouraged teenagers to see themselves as bright and shining children of God, support ministries to local families to help them overcome the  struggles of life, serve meals to friends and strangers, rake leaves for people who can’t do it for themselves, and try to come up with other ways to have a healing impact in our town.

3. We are participating in a movement much bigger than ourselves.  With that group of like minded people mentioned in number 2  we see ourselves as part of the the work God is doing to rescue this world from the kingdom of darkness. We are doing this by investing in the lives of children and teenagers so they can hear who they are in Christ, giving the homeless a safe place to stay and hear how much God loves them and wants to change their lives, by praying for one another, and by tangibly supporting each other through the difficulties and challenges in this life.

4. We get to be difference makers. We have had the opportunity to be alongside  teenagers and adults while they pray through emotional wounds from their past and see God speak directly into their hearts and heal them from the painful memories.

5. We get to be part of the solution. Its easy to point out the problems. We hang out with a  group of people who have decided to participate in the solution.

6. We go to church  to be around people who genuinely care about us  and how our family is doing. We get to hang out with people who we  can share our burdens with and who have our back.

7. We go to church because we  get to hang out with people we care deeply about.

8. We get to partner with Jesus and the work he is doing to bring his kingdom to the town we live in and around the world.

[And by the way, our pastor is a great preacher. His sermons have helped us grow tremendously in  our faith. That’s an added bonus.]

When They Brought The Wolves To Yellowstone, They Had No Clue This Would Be The Result | True Activist


I really like the story in this video. Its an example of how making a small change to a system can bring things into balance. This can be true for families or organizations.  Many times when things aren’t going well we go for a total make over when in fact a properly applied small intervention is all that is needed to set things right.